Career Coaching

As an experienced people leader and manager passionate about building successful teams, I have dedicated my career to empowering individuals to achieve their goals. I believe in empathy, integrity, respect, and active listening. These values are fundamental to my coaching practice. I am committed to helping individuals achieve their goals and believe anything is possible with the right tools and mindset. I specialize in career coaching for underrepresented communities, inclusive leadership, and building successful virtual and inclusive teams. These areas reflect my passion for creating diverse and equitable workplaces that empower individuals to reach their full potential. 

I am committed to upholding the EMCC Global Code of Ethics throughout all stages of my coaching practice. This includes prioritizing my client's best interests by maintaining an appropriate level of confidentiality and acting inclusive and non-discriminatory. 

As a human, I care about my family, friends and health first. I’m a life-long learner who values honesty and authenticity. A healthy work-life balance is essential for personal and professional success. As a life-long learner, I value honesty, authenticity, and continuous growth. These values reflect my commitment to creating meaningful connections with my clients and fostering a positive and supportive coaching environment. 

If you want to work with me as a coach, you can book time here or email me. 

As an experienced people leader and manager passionate about building successful teams, I have dedicated my career to empowering individuals to achieve their goals. I believe in empathy, integrity, respect, and active listening. These values are fundamental to my coaching practice. I am committed to helping individuals achieve their goals and believe anything is possible with the right tools and mindset. I specialize in career coaching for underrepresented communities, inclusive leadership, and building successful virtual and inclusive teams. These areas reflect my passion for creating diverse and equitable workplaces that empower individuals to reach their full potential. 

I am committed to upholding the EMCC Global Code of Ethics throughout all stages of my coaching practice. This includes prioritizing my client's best interests by maintaining an appropriate level of confidentiality and acting inclusive and non-discriminatory. 

As a human, I care about my family, friends and health first. I’m a life-long learner who values honesty and authenticity. A healthy work-life balance is essential for personal and professional success. As a life-long learner, I value honesty, authenticity, and continuous growth. These values reflect my commitment to creating meaningful connections with my clients and fostering a positive and supportive coaching environment. 

If you want to work with me as a coach, you can book time here or email me. 

My approach to Career Planning & Development

Throughout my professional journey, I have explored various frameworks and resources from top universities and developed a comprehensive approach to career development that has yielded success for myself and those I work with. In 2015, I explored better ways to help my staff get more clarity on managing their careers. Here's a classic example: many of us have probably received manager feedback that an employee's communication needs to improve. However, only a few managers can clearly articulate what needs to improve, what good looks like and how success is measured. So, I began exploring the concept of competency matrices,  skill gap analysis, and goal planning. Using competency frameworks, I encountered many beautiful resources from Stanford University, the University of British Columbia, Harvard, and others. Based on the work these schools have done, I put together a comprehensive collection of frameworks and other helpful career development tools that I have been successfully using with my teams and other people managers. Hopefully, you will find them also beneficial.

Click here to read my blog about the importance of Career Planning

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